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Air Law Examinations Learn More


Air Law Examinations

Effective June 1, 2024, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Bahamas will be implementing a mandatory air law examination for all airmen seeking initial and renewed licenses.

The examination center at the CAA Bahamas premises successfully opened on June 12, 2024. For any pilot seeking to renew their license, the Air Law examination will need to be sat before the license is due to expire.

Booking and Scheduling Exams

Please, ensure to book and sit your exam with plenty of time before the license expiry date. The schedule will be published as it becomes available. Therefore, it would be advisable for candidates to check availability of the sessions on the Candidate Portal.

For any further information or any clarification on this, please contact our staff who will be able to support you with any queries at Additionally, please click the following link to view Air Law FAQs.


To prepare for this examination, it is imperative that all airmen familiarize themselves with the syllabus below outlining the topics that will be covered. We strongly urge you to review the syllabus diligently to ensure you are adequately prepared for the examination.

In addition to the Syllabus, Examination Types, a Demo Video, Available Materials including Air Law 3rd Country ICAO Licence Conversion to prepare for the exam and Air Law FAQs are outlined below. Note: Civil Aviation Authority (CAA-B) hereby expressly disclaims any affiliation, association, or endorsement of any kind with any external websites to which links may be provided in connection with the promotion, distribution, or sale of any books or Work.


YearCategoryDocument NameLink
2024SyllabusATPL and CPL Air LawView/Download
2024SyllabusPPL Air LawView/Download
2024SyllabusAMT Learning ObjectivesView/Download

Examination Types

Demo Video

Click the video below or click “Watch” in the Exam guide tile available on the Candidate Portal

The video is just short of 7 minutes and explains what will happen before and during the examination, and how to complete the exam. There are a few sample questions available throughout the video that point to how to answer the questions, number of marks per question, how to use the comments box, etc.

Available Materials to prepare for the exam:

Air Law Study guide to assist ATPL and CPL students

Sample questions are widely available on commercial sites like:

Some examples of Law Books are as follows:

  • “Air Law: ATPL GROUND TRAINING SERIES BOOK 1” Paperback – 9 Feb. 2024 by CAE Oxford Aviation Academy (Author), Air Transport Pilot Licence ATPL (Author)– this contains all the learning required for the Air Law examination and chapter 27 has revision questions.
  • “Air Law” Aviation Study Guide – 4th edition published in by Cranfield Aviation Training School Limited 2024 – Dt Stuart E. Smith (author) – this contains all the learning for the Air Law examination and self-assessment tests with answers.
  • “010 – Air Law eTextbook 2016” available on Air Law – EASA exam eTextbook | Aviationexam. This book is an Electronic textbook linked to Aviationexam question bank mentioned above.


Applications and Bookings can be done through the testing portal by clicking here.

Once you have registered, payment can be made for your exam here.  For more information, contact .

Please click the following link to view Air Law FAQs.

Please watch this page for updates!

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