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Drone FAQs

The requirements of the Exception for Limited Recreational Operation of Unmanned Aircraft:

  • Fly for recreational purposes only.
  • Follow the safety guidelines of a Community Based Organization (CBO).
  • Keep your drone in your visual line of sight (VLOS).
  • Always give way and never interfere with manned aircraft.
  • Get an airspace authorization before flying in controlled airspace.
  • Do not fly higher than 400ft above the ground in uncontrolled airspace.
  • Pass an aeronautical knowledge and safety test.
  • Register and mark your drone.

Do I need to register my Drone and if so, how do I register it?

Yes! The CAA-B requires that all drones be registered. Drones over 249 grams requires a UAS certificate or Certification from the country of origin.  To register the recreational drone just fill out the form on the CAA-B website and submit. When completed you will be sent a reply email requesting additional information.  See for form.

The process steps are below:

  1. You will receive a drone registration notification email when you register your recreational drone at .
  2. Once payment is confirmed and the authorization\registration has been approved, Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas will email your drone certificate authorization.

For those intending to use drones for commercial purposes, there are separate fees applicable. To inquire about drone fees related to commercial use, please contact the Drone Section of the CAA-B by emailing

What are the requirements needed for Drone registration?


A completed registration form from the CAA-B website consisting of the following information:

Registrants Name, Address, Email address, Phone contact and Mailing address




Serial Number

· Attach a copy of your Drone Registration Certificate/License or equivalent issued by your home country if your drone weighs more than 249g.

· Full mailing address inclusive of country, city, and state, area code

· Scanned Copy of Passport photo page (COLOR)

· Arrival and departure dates

· The intended purpose for the use of your drone while in the Bahamas (RECREATIONAL/COMMERCIAL)

· Location of drone operations (ISLAND)

What you should know for Drone Registration?

· The Civil Aviation Authority of The Bahamas (CAA-B) will require at least five (5) business days excluding (Saturday and Sunday) to complete your drone authorization request.

· The letter of authorization will be valid from your date of arrival to your date of departure.

· If you have applied thirty 30 days or more prior to your arrival date, your information will be kept on file in the order it was received for processing.

· Please note that The Bahamas Customs Department is a separate government entity which is governed by its’ own rules and regulations, hence, there may be additional protocols that you may be required to comply with upon your arrival into the country regarding your drone.

· Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Business hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. EDT.

Is there a fee to register my drone?

There are two fee options for recreational drones. A $30 fee (5 business days processing time) and a $50 expedited fee (2 business days processing time) for recreational drones.  Below are the process steps:

  1. You will receive a drone registration notification email when you register your drone at .
  2. Once payment is confirmed and the authorization\registration has been approved, Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas will email your drone certificate authorization.

For those intending to use drones for commercial purposes, there are separate fees applicable. To inquire about drone fees related to commercial use, please contact the Drone Support section of the CAA-B by emailing

Do I need a license, certification or special training to operate my drone and if so, how do I obtain one?

Currently only a certificate is required for recreational use, however drones over 249 grams and those for commercial use requires one. For further inquiries regarding drones please, contact Drone Support.

How high am I allowed to fly my drone and where can I fly?

Drones shall not operate:

(a) At a height exceeding 400ft or 122m above ground level.

(b)Beyond a maximum range of 1640 f (500m).

(c) At a distance beyond the unaided visual range of the operator(s) of the aircraft.

(d) Over or within 500ft (152m) of an organized open-air assembly of people.

(e) Over or within 165ft (50m) of any person. However, during take-off and landing, the aircraft  maybe flown within 165ft (50m), but no less than 100ft (30m) of any person. These stipulations do not apply to the person in control of the aircraft.

(f) Over a private or public property or dwelling, without prior permission.

(g) Within 16,500ft (5,000m) of any aerodrome or rotorcraft designated landing zones, such as helipads.

(h) At night or during low visibility conditions.

(i) Within or over restricted or prohibited airspace



Must my drone pass any kind of inspection before use?

No, however at any time you may be subject to drone surveillance.

What if I wish to use my drone for commercial purposes?

Seek approval from the Drone Support Section via email Drone Support Section .

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