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COVID-19 Procedures Oversight at LPIA

The effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Civil Aviation sector in The Bahamas has been unparalleled to any recent event since its birth in The Bahamas in 1946. According to ACI-LAC, the year, 2020, began with a “3 percent growth in passenger traffic in the months of January and February”. The Bahamas closed borders to all incoming passengers on March 27, 2020 with only repatriation flights allowed to minimize the rate of transmission.

The Bahamas Civil Aviation Authority, guided by MOH, ICAO and IATA, introduced new security and health standards for a phased reopening of air travel amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for the aviation sector. As such, during oversight visits, public health crisis measures implemented are observed to ensure compliance.

During a routine site visit, Aviation Security (AVSEC) and Safety Oversight Department (S.O.D.), departments within the BCAA conducted oversight at LPIA. The BCAA personnel were Marsha Chriswell, AVSEC Inspector; Sandra Hepburn AVSEC Apprentice; Cleo Grant – Aerodromes RFF Safety Technician; and Zanda Bonamy – Environmental Management Officer and CAPSCA Focal Point.

Bahamasair aircraft was inspected, which was cleaned overnight according to COVID-19 sanitization standards for aircrafts. The sterilization of the airplane is maintained by a security seal being placed on the entrances post cleaning, which is not removed until the Bahamasair flight inspection team enters the aircraft.

When international passengers arrive, several public health checkpoints are setup. NAD personnel perform temperature checks as they welcome visitors, residents and citizens. If the temperatures are higher than 38˚C, then the passengers are referred to the Ministry of Health’s Surveillance team stationed in the Immigration area. The resident Airport nurse is also present for the daily functions in the event of any medical situation.

Immigration is the next step in the process. Foreign nationals are directed to Immigration and if their documentation is incorrect, they are repatriated. Foreign nationals are expected to present a Travel Health Visa approved by the Ministry of Health and a negative RT PCR COVID-19 Test. If Immigration is not familiar with the type of RT PCR COVID-19 Test, then the visitor is referred to The Ministry of Health’s Surveillance Team for further assessment. If the test is considered not a standard RT-PCR COVID-19, the visitor is repatriated.

Bahamians and returning residents after temperature checks screening by NAD are sent to the Ministry of Health’s Surveillance Team. Bahamians and residents cannot be denied entry into the country, therefore, health officials implemented prescreening process to mitigate the health risk. If the passenger is in possession of an approved Travel Health Visa and a negative RT PCR COVID-19, they would not have to undergo the 14-day quarantine. If the passenger does not have an RT PCR COVID-19 Test, he/she is required to undergo a 14-day quarantine at a government quarantine facility or at their private residence. All Bahamian nationals and residents are required to download the Hubbcat tracking app to monitor them. After clearance with the surveillance team, passengers are then screened by Immigration.

COVID-19 Public Health measures have also been implemented for domestic travel such as cleaning of trays at security checkpoints after each use and the requirement of a Travel Health Visa approved by the Ministry of Health, which must be presented to the Airline Operator. Domestic operators are advised to conduct deep cleaning of their aircraft in addition to the routine cleaning. Disinfection target areas are the cockpit, cabin and cargo hold. The types of sanitization processes vary per operator such as fogging and wiping down the aircraft with approved chemicals known to kill COVID-19 by the CDC. As always, the intent is to ensure a safe traveling environment for passengers and crew.