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Aviation Security & Facilitation Oversight

The Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas (CAA-B) Aviation Security and Facilitation (AVSEC/FAL) Oversight Department is responsible for the development and maintenance of the National Civil Aviation Security Programmes (NCASP), and the implementation of aviation security oversight activities at all aerodromes and commercial air carriers (Domestic and International) operating within The Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

The legal authority of the AVSEC/FAL Oversight Department is vested in the Civil Aviation Act 2021, Civil Aviation Security Regulations (CAR SEC) 2021 and Civil Aviation Publication (SEC 01) Aviation Security 2021.

To accomplish its mandate, various oversight activities such as those listed below, are employed by National AVSEC/FAL Inspectors to ensure compliance with the provisions of the national aviation security policies and procedures.

  • Security Audits
  • Security Inspections
  • Security Tests
  • Security Surveys
  • Security Risk Assessments
  • Security Investigations

To ensure that The Bahamas fulfills its obligation associated with the implementation of international accepted Aviation Security Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) as noted in the Chicago Convention of 1944, the CAA-B in collaboration with international institutions, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security agency responsible for aviation security, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and Transport Canada is assessed to verify that the security measures employed within the country are capable of mitigating the risk of an unlawful act against civil aviation.

In accordance with CAR SEC 3.4.7, the AVSEC Department of the CAAB has established a Confidential Reporting System to supplement the national civil aviation security quality control programme for analysing security information provided by sources such as passengers, crew and ground personnel.

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