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Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance (QA) Unit is responsible for ensuring that the Authority effectively implements the quality control measures associated with its safety and security oversight activities. By design, the unit seeks to help the Authority to achieve the overarching safety and security objectives by building a culture of continuous improvements within the organization. Because of the independent nature of its activities, the unit manager reports directly to the director general.

During the fiscal year, the QA Unit undertook several initiatives towards incorporating a sound quality management system within the Authority. These initiatives included the preparation of:

  • A quality policy statement as a key component to drive the adoption of quality standards
  • An advisory circular to improve quality guidance standards
  • A data quality policy to improve and maintain the quality of data within the Authority
  • An internal audit quality checklist to standardize the audit process and to ensure that data collection conforms to international and regulatory guidelines
  • A quality assurance manual setting forth the operational policy and procedures of the Authority’s quality initiatives

The QA Unit is required to undergo initial and subsequent annual training to maintain a high level of proficiency for its internal and advanced auditors. This year the QA Unit team members received training on developing and enhancing skills in data collection and using information analysis to improve quality initiatives.

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